Parents: Please watch for an email later today with your survey info as well as the times and access info for the town hall style meetings that will be held on Tues, 8/11 & Wed, 8/12. The principals will be scheduling school meetings very soon to share additional info and answer more specific questions.
Viroqua Area School District is providing meals for families that would like to participate. The VAS meal program will continue until Friday, August 7th. As a reminder, for those students that have signed up for summer school, we have noted your meal update.
ALL children 18 years and younger who live in our District are eligible for breakfast and lunch each day at no cost. There are no income-based qualifications needed to participate. This program is also available to private school and home-schooled children.If you have not already signed up and want to participate and receive meals, please sign up at this link,, or contact us at the email/phone below. If you have a change or have any questions, please contact us by phone or email. 608-637-1181 608-637-1645
VAS Special Board Mtg 8.5.20 5:30 pm Public access will be available to view the meeting live by visiting: Board Agendas may also be found at this link:
VAS Board Mtg
7.20.20 7:00 pm Public access will be available to view the meeting live by visiting:
Board Agendas may also be found at this link:
Good afternoon VAS families! Please check your email as we have sent a back to school planning survey. If you are not able to access this survey online, you may contact the District Office, 608-637-1186 and we will provide you with a paper copy of the survey. Please complete one survey per student in your family by Sunday, July 19. Your responses to this survey are vital to help us to plan for a successful start to the school year. We will continue to share more information as it becomes available. Thank you, Tom Burkhalter, District Administrator.
Welcome to our new District Administrator, Tom Burkhalter! Tom started at Viroqua Area Schools o n July 1st.
No meals will be delivered on Friday, July 3rd.
The Friday meals and Saturday Snack will be included earlier in the week as listed below.
Along with the Wednesday meals, you will receive the breakfasts for Thursday and Friday.
On Thursday, you will receive lunch for Thursday and Friday as well as the Saturday Snack.
The regular meal schedule will resume on Monday, July 6th.
Viroqua Area School District is providing meals for families that would like to participate. ALL children 18 years and younger who live in our District are eligible for breakfast and lunch each day at no cost. There are no income-based qualifications needed to participate. This program is also available to private school and home-schooled children. We anticipate that the VAS meal program will continue just as it is until Friday, July 31st.
If you have not already signed up and want to participate and receive meals, please sign up at this link,, or contact us at the email/phone below.
If you have a change or have any questions, please contact us by phone or email. 608-637-1181 608-637-1645
Vernon County Health Department is once again sponsoring the Stuff the Bus Program. The program offers free school supplies to any family in Vernon County. Please contact the Health Department at 608-637-5251 if you have any further questions.
The VAS Summer School Registration Information is below. Please use this link to Register.
VAS MEAL PROGRAM UPDATE - New Saturday Snacks!
Viroqua Area School District is providing meals for families that would like to participate.
The VAS meal program will continue just as it is until Friday, July 31st. There is no need to sign up again.
ALL children 18 years and younger who live in our District are eligible for breakfast and lunch each day at no cost. There are no income-based qualifications needed to participate. This program is also available to private school and home-schooled children.
NEW - Saturday Snacks will now be included with Friday's meal.
If you have not already signed up and want to participate and receive meals, please sign up at this link,, or contact us at the email/phone below.
If you have a change or have any questions, please contact us by phone or email. 608-637-1181 608-637-1645
On behalf of the Viroqua Area Schools...
No meals will be delivered Monday, May 25th.
Meals will resume on Tuesday, May 26th.
Viroqua Area School District is providing meals for families that would like to participate.
We anticipate that the VAS meal program will continue just as it is until Friday, July 31st. There is no need to sign up again.
ALL children 18 years and younger who live in our District are eligible for breakfast and lunch each day at no cost. There are no income-based qualifications needed to participate. This program is also available to private school and home-schooled children.
If you have not already signed up and want to participate and receive meals, please sign up at this link,, or contact us at the email/phone below.
If you have a change or have any questions, please contact us by phone or email. 608-637-1181 608-637-1645
Since schools are closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, children who usually get free or reduced-price school meals through the National School Lunch Program can get additional temporary food benefits. These benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT. Children can get these benefits in addition to any other school meals they are getting.
If your income has changed or you have not applied for the Free and Reduced School Meal Program, you may apply now. If you have questions about this application or program, please contact us at 608-637-1645.
VAS Board Curriculum Committee Meeting 6 PM and Regular Board Meeting 7 PM Meeting ID: 881 0613 3613 Password: 5EzEAH or by phone: 1 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 881 0613 3613 Password: 928533
VAS Board Meeting 5/7/20, 11:00 AM, District Office
Meeting ID: 880 2803 1721
Password: 5xisth
Help is available for families in our community. Please share this information with anyone who might benefit from support through Couleecap.
VAS Board Meetings 4/20/20, District Office
Buildings & Grounds 6:00 PM, Budget & Finance Comm 6:30 PM, Regular Board Meeting 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 746 7020 8347 Password: iRfN2Z
What a nice story from WXOW about the fabulous work that our Food Service Team, Bus Drivers and Support Staff are doing to prepare and deliver over 1,400 meals a day to our area children and their families.
This afternoon, we received an important update from Governor Evers. Students and Teachers will not be returning to the classroom this school year. Please see the letter for more details:
Important notice: Effective at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, all Wisconsin Public and Private Schools are closed indefinitely. Please follow this link for the latest information and press releases from Governor Evers and the WI Department of Health Services. Our meal service will continue as well as our Continuity of Learning services for our students. Viroqua Area Schools are Closed until further notice.